![Schoolwear Policy at Martie du Plessis](/images/school-clothes.jpg)
The majority of the school uniforms are generic and can be purchased from any clothing supplier. The only clothes that are unique to the school are tracksuits and sportswear. Make a Price (051 444 1420), vlakkies@mweb.co.za are the official suppliers of our school uniforms and sportswear.
Pre-school learners
Comfortable clothes of your own choice, preferably clothes that can easily be taken off and put back on, are allowed for the pre-schoolers. Please avoid clothes with zips and playsuits that only fasten at the shoulders, as these are difficult to take off/put on. In summer, pre-schoolers do not have to wear shoes, provided no aids/assistive devices need to be worn. The blue sport shirt is worn during assembly on Fridays and during excursions. The school tracksuit top is worn in winter.
Important: All clothes and equipment (including shoes, etc.) must be marked clearly.
- Parents are requested to co-operate and ensure that learners are always dressed correctly and neatly.
- No clothes other than those prescribed may be worn nor may different colours be worn.
- Learners who repeatedly break rules will be sent home to put on the correct clothing.
- Boys who are not shaven clean will also be sent home to shave.
- Grade 1-11 Boys
- Grade 1-11 Girls
- Boys & Girls Grade 12
- Additional Information School Bags Etc.
- Grey short pants or grey trousers with black belt with a normal buckle.
- Black school shoes with long grey socks (Gr 1 to 6 are allowed to go barefoot).
- White short-sleeved open-collar shirt or long-sleeved shirt (rolled-up sleeves).
- Grey school trousers with black belt with a normal buckle.
- White long-sleeved shirt with school tie.
- Navy blazer with school badge (sleeves may not be pushed up).
- Blue school jersey or pullover.
- Black school shoes with laces, (e.g., Toughees, Buccaneers) with long grey socks.
- School “beanies” (black) with school badge and grey scarves.
- No “beanies” in the classroom.
- No T-shirt may be worn in such a way that it is visible through or additional to the shirt.
- School buffs may be used as an alternative to a scarf.
Assembly and special occasions:
Learners should preferably wear the navy blazer with school badge and school tie.
No strange or unusual or fashionable hair styles are allowed.
- Hair must be clean, well-groomed and neat.
- Short around ears and two fingers (2 cm) away from collar.
- Fringes may not hang in the eyes.
- Hair may not be dyed.
- Colourless hair gel may be used as long as hair is not forced in an opposite direction to hair growth pattern and if hair is no longer than 2 cm.
- No patterns may be cut into the hair.
- Boys must be shaven clean at all times. Exceptions are allowed in respect of religious beliefs approved by the governing body.
- Sidies may not be longer than the middle of the ear.
Jewellery and Nails:
- Nails must be neat, clean, well-groomed and short (not over fingertips).
- No jewellery may be worn. No bracelets of any sort may be worn. (Silver, rubber, leather etc.). Only medical bracelets are allowed. Hostel learners who have their keys on a chain around their necks must wear it in such a way that it is not visible.
- No tongue rings or any other form of body piercing is allowed.
- Tattoos may not be visible and learners may not write or draw on themselves.
- Check skort (pants-skirt).
- White short-sleeved open-collar shirt with pullover (compulsory for Grade 4-11).
- Black school shoes with white socks (Grade 1-6 may go barefoot).
- Check skort with black tights or grey pants (female style).
- White long-sleeved shirt with royal blue school tie and school jersey or school pullover (compulsory).
- Navy blazer with school badge (sleeves may not be pushed up).
- Black school shoes with black tights.
- School “beanie” (black with school badge) and grey scarf.
- No “beanies” are allowed in the classroom.
- Black or navy gloves are allowed.
- Black fleece blankets are only allowed for learners in wheelchairs
Assembly and special occasions:
Learners should preferably wear the navy blazer with school badge and school tie.
- Clean, well-kept and neat hair.
- No strange or unconventional hairstyles are allowed.
- Normal styles for schoolgirls are recommended – these are simple hairstyles that can easily be kept neat.
- A long fringe must be pinned back or combed back. A short fringe may not touch the eyebrows and must be neat all day long. No loose strings next to the face.
- Length of hair: Hair longer than the shirt collar must be fastened. Hair ribbons/school buffs or bands (white, black or blue) and hair clips (gold, silver, black or blue) may be worn. School headband or a plain black headband may be worn. No other accessories are allowed.
- Extensions (braided or plaited) may be used. Only parallel lines from the forehead to the back, with no loose ends. The hair must be tied neatly.
- Hair may not be dyed.
Make-up, jewellery and nails:
- No make-up is allowed.
- Nails must be kept neat, well-groomed and short (not past the fingertips). Only clear nail polish is allowed.
- Only one earring per ear (gold or silver and not bigger than a R1 coin) or small stud (no gemstones or pearls allowed). No necklaces/chains or rings are allowed. Only medical chains will be permitted. Hostel learners who wear their keys on a chain around their necks must wear it in such a way that it is not visible.
- No tongue rings or any other form of body piercing is allowed.
- Tattoos may not be visible and learners may not write or draw on themselves.
Length of skort:
▪ The skort may be a maximum of 8 cm above the knee when measured in a kneeling position.
Grade 12 (Boys & Girls)
- Matric outfit: navy pullover or long sleeve jersey.
- Navy blazer with school badge and braid (sleeves may not be pushed up).
- Matric tie (Winter and summer for boys and winter only for girls).
- Girls wear a turquoise skirt with black school shoes and white socks and navy “tights” in the winter.
- Grey scarf.
- Hair: Turquoise, navy or white bands/ribbons/headbands.
Assembly and special occasions:
- Boys: Navy blazer and matric tie are compulsory.
- Girls: Navy blazer (and matric tie in winter) is compulsory.
School bags: Very important
- Neat school bags or backpacks are allowed. No sloppy school bag is allowed.
- Learners are allowed to use a school bag on wheels
Assistive Devices
- Please note: Learners who must wear assistive devices such as built-up shoes, medial arch support, splints, or callipers, MUST wear it every day.
- School clothes are available at Make a Price and any other clothing store.
- Prescribed sportswear is available from Make a Price and any other clothing store. This sportswear is compulsory for all learners taking part in sport activities. Spectators have a choice between school sportswear or school uniform.
Clothing bank
- The school has a clothing bank with secondhand school clothes. However, our stock is limited in terms of specific items and sizes. We would appreciate it if you could donate any clothes that are too small for your child, but please ensure they are in a good condition. This also enables us to provide for the great need that exists.